店名の「Cloud9」とは、「天にも昇る」や「夢見心地」という意味があります。 駅の近くでありながら、扉を開けるとそこにはヨーロッパの書斎を思わせるような大人の落ち着いた空間が広がります。
お客様におくつろぎいただく、店内のチェアはすべて大きめのゆったりしたものとなっております。そのチェアにお掛けいただき、季節のフルーツを使ったカクテルや、シングルモルト、食後酒などをお楽しみくださいませ。 なお、当店では葉巻のご用意がございます。よろしければどうぞ。 |
When you’re “on Cloud 9” you experience a feeling of extreme happiness as if you’re floating on air. Cloud 9 offers a calm and sophisticated space evoking images that hark back to European studies of yesteryear. Relax with a drink at the counter or at a table with a comfortable sofa and chairs. Whatever you prefer, our professional bartenders will be happy to customize a drink to your tastes. We also offer fine cigars for you to enjoy. |
We usually have seven or right fresh seasonal fruits and herbs to use for our fresh fruit cocktails. Please ask our bartenders about our current seasonal fruits and herbs.
Once you’ve chosen the fruit or herb, please tell us your preference regarding sweetness and strength of alcohol so we can prepare
a cocktail suited to your specific taste.
Our skilled bartenders can make many original
cocktails not listed on our menu.
We aim to please our customers by making cocktails
suited to individual tastes.